Stories That Inspire

What advice do you wish you had taken from your parents?
Some of the best advice I wish I had taken from my parents was to ‘Practise what you Preach’ and ‘There’s nothing worse than a hypocrite lad’ they used to always say. It was so very important to our parents that you believe in, not only what you’re saying, but also what you do in life.
Tell me about some of your most cherished friendships? What has made them so special?
One of my most cherished friendships was my old friend Mikey who I grew up with and who I knew since I was born. Mikey’s dad and my dad were best friends you see and Mikey and I were the same age. Well, actually, I am 4 months older than Mikey which has always seemed to be so significant and it
Do you have a favourite story you remember most from your childhood?
One of my greatest memories from my childhood was going to see Joseph and the AmazingTechnicolor Dreamcoat at the Leeds Grand Theatre. Must have been 1975. I could never forget because the show had come earlier that year, in January I think, and we couldn’t go at that time because me and my
What is the funniest memory you have?
I’ve got so many funny memories but one of the funniest was at my Uncle Paul’s wedding back in 1976. Uncle Paul was marrying Auntie Sarah and they’d met down at the local jazz club in Canterbury a year or so before. I was 14 at the time and me and my sister Jenny, who was 12 then, were head
What was your Mum like when you were a child? What was your strongest impression of her?
My Mum was a very warm-hearted and caring lady who would always be there to help anyone who needed it. Being a single Mum I remember she worked so hard not only raising us three kids but also working two jobs. She worked as a secretary part time at a solicitors and ran her own small business doing3 Simple Steps
Personalised books are still a rare thing, and yet so special for people to write and read. Having an easy way for you to record your life for future generations just makes sense. You don’t want to be interviewed, or have people come to your home – so instead we simply send the questions over by email and you can answer them at your own pace whilst feeling comfortable in your own home. We provide categories of questions around life’s major themes and you can pick and choose any that you’d like to answer. If you’d rather make it as easy as possible, our ‘Perfect Path‘ questions give you the set of questions most often chosen by our customers – to help you get started quickly.

Step 1
Choose the questions and themes that they would like to write about.

Step 2
They reply to the questions that will be sent to them via email, on a regular schedule that they can choose.

Step 3
We store their stories, privately and securely, before creating a wonderful book for them, that we print and send out to them and anyone else they would like. As the Gift giver – if you would like to be involved, or help them at any stage, you can select to do this – our customers use this feature a lot to help their loved ones.